Thursday, May 21, 2009

Okay, Here it is!

Heard from Brent today at 5pm...

Drum Roll Please....

He got the job he wanted with a small bonus, but a bonus none the less! It is a job in communications- something to do with computers and satellites? He hasn't been able to explain it to me fully yet. He swore into the military today and they still have to do some security clearence on him, but as of right now he leaves for boot camp on October 27th, 2009.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to both of you! Happy to hear you grabbed a Commo job Brent. And Taylor.... Your gonna love being an Army Wife. Ask Gloria about it sometime. We are very proud of you Brent, I'm very happy you chose this path bro! Good luck and make sure Taylor gets me your mailing address for basic training.