Thursday, May 21, 2009

Brent is still in Miami, no word yet...

Thursday 21st, 2009

Brent left for Miami last night. My mom and Grammy came over to watch a movie with me and keep me company. My Grammy ended up spending the night with me so I would not have to be alone in the house. I talked to Brent around 9pm for a quick minute. He had just finished eating dinner and said that they had a 4:30am wake up call. That is so so early! They said that if everything goes smoothly, he should be done by 10am.

...It's now 2:30pm and I'm still not sure what is going on down there. Brent sent me a text message this morning to say Hi and Happy Anniversary, other than that no word all day. I am dying to know what is happening!

I talked to mom a little while ago and she was telling me about her morning. She was telling me how usually when she asks Abby (my 5 yr old sister) to pray with her she fuses- she has a pretty short attention span, but this morning was different. My mom said to Abby, "Will you please pray with Mommy? I have some stuff that is heavy on my heart," and Abby said, "Sure Mom, me too." They got down on their knees to pray and Abby wanted to pray first. My mom said she began to pray in detail for "God to keep Brent safe in the Army." What a thoughful sister Abigail is. For only being 5 years old she sure does understand what is going on in life. She amazes me with the things she says. The hardest part of this whole thing will be moving away from her. I think my mom doesn't believe I'm serious, but I am just going to have to take Abby with me wherever Brent and I move to!!

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