Tuesday, May 19, 2009

For those of you who haven't heard...

May 19th, 2009

For those of you who haven't heard...

For the last few months, Brent has been looking into joining the military. He has been speaking to many members of the family as well as friends to get advice (...and LOTS of opinions!) on what the best route might be.

It has been a long time dream of Brent's to fly. So, naturally we thought Air Force. Brent and I went to speak to an Air Force recruiter and get whatever information that we could. For months we went back and forth with the recruiter getting great news one day and nothing the next. We knew that we had to do something sooner. The Air Force recruiter understood the situation we were (and still are) in and recommended we speak with a recruiter from the Army.

We met with the Army recruiter and liked what he had to offer. To make sure we weren't being taken for fools we spoke with a couple members of the family who have had life long careers in the military. They assured us everything looked right on track and told us what to watch out for.

We decided that the Army was right for us.

As of today, Brent knows the jobs available to him in the Army and is favoring a job in communications. If he can get the job he wants with a bonus then the following will take place: Tomorrow (Wednesday 20th), Brent goes with the recruiter down to Miami. He has to spend the night there and the next day (Thursday 21st) he will do his first swear in to the United States Army.

It's all pretty exciting...and nerve racking... at the same time.

P.S.- Thursday 21st is also our 2nd Year Marriage Anniversary!

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