Wednesday, May 27, 2009


A Little Bit About Hubert...

We got Hubert in June of 2007 when he was 4 months old. We picked him up from animal care and control in Okeechobee County. The deal was to get a small dog that would only take up a small amount of space, eat small amounts of food, and make only small messes. Funny how plans change...

We ended up with the biggest puppy in the pound! The first couple days Hubert was with us he was super shy, but it didn't take too long for him to loosen up. The house training process was a nightmare and he teethed on everything in our house! If you have ever seen "Marley and Me", you will know what I am talking about... What had we gotten ourselves into!?

After his first year with us, we had seen major improvements in him. He was fully house broken, not chewing on everything in sight, and had become an integral part of our family. There's no parting with him now!

Hubert now knows sit, shake, and high-five!

Hubert chasing his tail.


Cheryl said...

Love you blog Taylor! It looks awesome! Any news on where Brent goes to BT?

Bowers Family said...

Raleigh, North Carolina for BT & then to Georgia for tech training.