Wednesday, May 27, 2009


A Little Bit About Hubert...

We got Hubert in June of 2007 when he was 4 months old. We picked him up from animal care and control in Okeechobee County. The deal was to get a small dog that would only take up a small amount of space, eat small amounts of food, and make only small messes. Funny how plans change...

We ended up with the biggest puppy in the pound! The first couple days Hubert was with us he was super shy, but it didn't take too long for him to loosen up. The house training process was a nightmare and he teethed on everything in our house! If you have ever seen "Marley and Me", you will know what I am talking about... What had we gotten ourselves into!?

After his first year with us, we had seen major improvements in him. He was fully house broken, not chewing on everything in sight, and had become an integral part of our family. There's no parting with him now!

Hubert now knows sit, shake, and high-five!

Hubert chasing his tail.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Okay, Here it is!

Heard from Brent today at 5pm...

Drum Roll Please....

He got the job he wanted with a small bonus, but a bonus none the less! It is a job in communications- something to do with computers and satellites? He hasn't been able to explain it to me fully yet. He swore into the military today and they still have to do some security clearence on him, but as of right now he leaves for boot camp on October 27th, 2009.

Brent is still in Miami, no word yet...

Thursday 21st, 2009

Brent left for Miami last night. My mom and Grammy came over to watch a movie with me and keep me company. My Grammy ended up spending the night with me so I would not have to be alone in the house. I talked to Brent around 9pm for a quick minute. He had just finished eating dinner and said that they had a 4:30am wake up call. That is so so early! They said that if everything goes smoothly, he should be done by 10am.

...It's now 2:30pm and I'm still not sure what is going on down there. Brent sent me a text message this morning to say Hi and Happy Anniversary, other than that no word all day. I am dying to know what is happening!

I talked to mom a little while ago and she was telling me about her morning. She was telling me how usually when she asks Abby (my 5 yr old sister) to pray with her she fuses- she has a pretty short attention span, but this morning was different. My mom said to Abby, "Will you please pray with Mommy? I have some stuff that is heavy on my heart," and Abby said, "Sure Mom, me too." They got down on their knees to pray and Abby wanted to pray first. My mom said she began to pray in detail for "God to keep Brent safe in the Army." What a thoughful sister Abigail is. For only being 5 years old she sure does understand what is going on in life. She amazes me with the things she says. The hardest part of this whole thing will be moving away from her. I think my mom doesn't believe I'm serious, but I am just going to have to take Abby with me wherever Brent and I move to!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Brent is going to Miami

May 20th, 2009

Brent leaves tonight for Miami. He has to spend the night down there and in the morning he will do his physical, pick his job, and swear in. The recruiter told him to bring his laptop and a book to read... there will be lots of waiting around.

It is starting to feel real. Emotions are kicking in and I have been a total basket case today. I know that this is the best choice for us to make right now. It will open up a lot opportunities for Brent and I that were not there before, but the reality of it all is starting to sink in. We both understand that this will not be an easy change, but we are here to support each other and we will make it work.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Our 2nd Anniversary

May 21st, 2009
For our 2nd Anniversary I wanted to do something really special for us...

So I booked a weekend stay on the beautiful Palm Beach Island.

Unfortunately, the rain was pretty much non stop, so we made the best of our one night there and checked out a couple days early. Really great place though- we will for sure stay again on a more sunny weekend!

On Saturday night we went to City Place (which is in downtown West Palm Beach) and ate at a restaurant called Taverna Opa. The place was awesome!! It is a Greek restaurant where the food is rich in flavor and the waiters, belly dancers, and guests are free to dance on the tables. I posted some videos below. (I definitely want to go here for my 21st birthday!)

For those of you who haven't heard...

May 19th, 2009

For those of you who haven't heard...

For the last few months, Brent has been looking into joining the military. He has been speaking to many members of the family as well as friends to get advice (...and LOTS of opinions!) on what the best route might be.

It has been a long time dream of Brent's to fly. So, naturally we thought Air Force. Brent and I went to speak to an Air Force recruiter and get whatever information that we could. For months we went back and forth with the recruiter getting great news one day and nothing the next. We knew that we had to do something sooner. The Air Force recruiter understood the situation we were (and still are) in and recommended we speak with a recruiter from the Army.

We met with the Army recruiter and liked what he had to offer. To make sure we weren't being taken for fools we spoke with a couple members of the family who have had life long careers in the military. They assured us everything looked right on track and told us what to watch out for.

We decided that the Army was right for us.

As of today, Brent knows the jobs available to him in the Army and is favoring a job in communications. If he can get the job he wants with a bonus then the following will take place: Tomorrow (Wednesday 20th), Brent goes with the recruiter down to Miami. He has to spend the night there and the next day (Thursday 21st) he will do his first swear in to the United States Army.

It's all pretty exciting...and nerve racking... at the same time.

P.S.- Thursday 21st is also our 2nd Year Marriage Anniversary!


May 18th, 2009

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for stopping by to check out our new blog. We have created this in order to better keep in touch with each of you and update you on our forever changing lives. We know that the recent news has come as somewhat of a shock to most of you, but please be aware that it has been under careful consideration for quite some time now. Brent and I are both very excited (and nervous) to begin our new adventure. As much as we can, we will share with you new information, photos, and updates on what going on.


Brent and Taylor Bowers