Friday, January 29, 2010

Ready for Brent's Graduation

Since I'm stuck in a hotel room about 1,500 miles away from home I figured I would post some updates!

A lot has taken place since Brent left for the Army back in October... Thanksgiving, Christmas, A New Year...

This Wednesday I flew out from Palm Beach International airport headed towards Lawton, Oklahoma. When I first arrived at the airport, I walked right up to the counter, checked my luggage, received my boarding passes, and thought, "Wow, this is all too easy!" I had a slight wait before boarding the airplane, but was on my way in no time. I had to stop in Atlanta, GA for a connection to Oklahoma City. When I arrived in Atlanta, my phone wouldn't work. I spent my entire layover in tears on the phone with customer service trying to figure out what in the world was going on. All I could think about was traveling to a state I have never been to, alone, and without my "life line" to the rest of the world! By the time tech support was able to get my phone back in working order, I was ready for lunch. I stopped at the closest place to my boarding gate and bought something to eat. Finally, I was where I needed to be, my phone was working, and I had some food... just as I sat down to eat, I hear that my flight is boarding. I had no time to eat and therefore wrapped up my food and placed it in my carry on. I figured no big deal, I'll eat in Oklahoma.
When I stepped off the plane in Oklahoma, I realized that my food had spilled out all over the inside of my bag. No fun at all trying to clean chicken salad and dressing off of a Coach wallet! Next stop was baggage claim. After standing there for about 10 minutes, there were no more bags coming through the hole in the wall, all the was left was an empty luggage belt and no sign of my bag. I walked over to the baggage claim service desk where I was told that my luggage was left in Atlanta and that they did not know when it would arrive. The man with the airline took down the address that I would be staying at and said, "hopefully you will have your luggage by the weekend." The weekend!? Right then and there was my breaking point. Immediately I got on the phone with my mom and lost all control of emotions. While crying hysterically on the phone another service rep walked by and asked if there was anything she could do for me. I got off the phone and proceeded to tell her my story. Long story short, she looked up my baggage claim number (something the first jerk didn't do) and was able to tell me exactly where my bag was and that it was already on it's way to Oklahoma. I told her that I would like to wait for it, but couldn't because I would miss my bus to the town I needed to be in. So, she set me up with a private taxi, meal vouchers, and flight vouchers all so I could wait for my bag and leave with it. I was thankful for her, what a life saver!

Much later than originally planned, I arrived in Lawton, which is the town where Ft. Sill is located and checked into my hotel room. What a relief to finally be here!

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