Friday, January 29, 2010

Family Day at Ft. Sill

So, typically Family Day at Ft. Sill consists of soldier demonstrations, videos, speeches, and activities for families to participate in, but since the weather on Oklahoma has taken a turn for the worst, Family Day ran a little different than it normally does. All activities were cancelled and soldiers were not allowed to leave post. Here's a little bit of how our rainy, cold, icy day went...

First up was the promotion ceremony. Only about 10% of soldiers receive promotions straight out of basic and Brent was one of them! He ranked up from Private (E2) to Private 1st Class (E3). Very exciting considering he has only been in the service for a few months, it involves a raise, and is another step closer to reaching his goals. It was super special to be able to stand in front of all the other families and friends and pin my soldier's new rank on his uniform.

After the promotions were given, we went to eat at the main PX on post. Walked around for a while and then headed to the bowling alley. We were able to bowl one game before the power went out and the alley closed for the day, but it was fun while it lasted!

This is Brent with a buddy of his (Burns). They are such a cute couple! :)

By the time we had finished bowling, everything on post was closed. Nothing left to do except head back to the battery.

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