Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to the Grind...

After a not so relaxing summer working as a camp counselor, the new school year has begun and it's back to school.

I went back to work a couple weeks ago. I scored a spot as a long term substitute for teachers going on maternity leave. The first quarter of school I am teaching PE for grades 6th through 9th. We are going on week 4 and it's so far, so great! The steady full time work (and pay) is great and is really helping to get us through the slow times.

College classes just started this week and boy are my teachers packing on the homework! This is my last semester at Palm Beach Community College and it seems as though my professors are giving out more assignments than ever! That's okay, graduation here I come.

With all that Brent and I have going on, we managed to get away for a weekend. We went camping on a family friend's property out near Yeehaw Junction. Although it was hot, hot, hot (in the middle of August)... it is an amazing place to go and just be with family. We had a great time and I will be sure to tell more about our trip in my next post. Pictures too!